Armenia & Azerbaijan conflict 2020

Article by Thakur Kv

Armenia and Azerbaijan they are located in central Asia near turkey & Georgia both are former members of Soviet Union. 
                    Armenia's flag
                 Azerbaijan's flag
      (Map of central Asia)
when they are members of Soviet Union ,Russia gives Nagorno-Karabakh region to Azerbaijan in 1921.
In 1989 when Soviet Union collapsed they are emerged as independent states they fought guerilla war in 1989 to 91 and they fought full scale war with each other  in 1994 over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh when cease fire applied by both the states at the time of ceasefire Armenian army possession over Nagorno-Karabakh.
Azerbaijan believes that the disputed area's belongs to their region & Armenians believes that they captured the disputed area that's why the whole region belongs to armenia.
       (Azerbaijanian people)
The relations between these nations are always sour. 
Population of Armenia is about 3  millions Armenian majority population are Christians and population of Azerbaijan is about 10 million & majority population are Muslims this is also the reason of difference in perception of the public.
Population of Nagorno-Karabakh are 150,000 where majority population are Armenian Christians.
 Russia is the major arm supplier to both the nation's Their artilleries, aircrafts are similar in nature because of the same supplier. 

Full scale war in 2020
In July 2020 Armenia & Azerbaijan starts firing on the border region this firing escalate the tension on its peak & on 27 September 2020 this whole issue emerged as a full scale war which cause heavy losses of life & assets.
(before war picture of an Armenian church) 
 (picture of Armenian church during war)
About 55 thousands people dead in these 25 days according to some local media channels.
(An Armenian soldier with his rifle)
Other countries role in the war 
Turkey supplies heavy arms & artilleries to Azerbaijan during this full scale war Turkey openly supports Azerbaijan ,some media sources also said that turkey supports Azerbaijan not only as arm supplier even also helps financially & Turkey also  supplies private mercenaries to Azerbaijan.
           ( Pakistan's flag)
          (an terrorist groups)
Pakistan also supports openly Azerbaijan. Pakistan sents their 5000 army man & unknown number of terrorist in Nagorno-Karabakh to fight against Armenia.

Israel indirectly supports Azerbaijan & supplies drones & ammunition to Azerbaijan. Israel supports Azerbaijan to build pressure on Iran & wants  to siege iran influence in the region because Iran is the biggest rival of Israel.
Russia openly condemned the war and efforts to stop the war but situation is not in control because of terrorist groups & private  mercenaries they provoke the entire scenario. Russia meadiated with Armenia & Azerbaijanian and request to stop the war and agreement of ceasefire signed by these two nations but unfortunately ceasefire not maintained for an hour because terrorist groups are not properly control in Azerbaijan's hand.
Now russian army directly going to involve in the whole region to control the violence and losses. 

•USA, France & UK
They condemned both the nation to stop the war immediately & appeal to maintain ceasefire.
It seems like they don't want to directly interfere in this issue.
The situation is going worse day by day the loss of lifes are rapidly increasing. World power should interfere in this region and  stop this bloodshed war.


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