why India tested 11 missiles in just 45 days?

By Thakur Kv

With tensions flaring up with the China in the aftermath of Galwan valley clash along Line of Actual Control (LAC) in East Ladakh region  India's missile system have been taken huge leaps over a period of two months. 
DRDO's effort to fast-track development of 'Made in India' strategic nuclear and conventional missiles - it has fired a missile every four days over nearly a month.
India has successfully tested 11 missiles in just 45 days amid face off with China

List of missiles which are tested in these 45 days are :-

•Prithvi II.
•BrahMos extended range supersonic cruise missile.
•BrahMos supersonic cruises missile.

ABHAYAS-India successfully conducted the flight test of ABHYAS - High-speed Expendable Aerial Target (HEAT) - from  test range in Odisha.
It is powered by a small gas turbine engine & has an Inertial Navigation System (INS) along with Flight Control Computer. This missile helps Indian army to rapidly capture the strategic positiond & it will damage enemies ground troops, artilleries , vehicles & push back to their safe ranges.

Prithvi-II is capable of carrying 500kg to 1,000kg of warheads and is thrusted by liquid propulsion twinkle engines.
The state-of-the-art missile uses advanced inertial guidance system with manoeuvring trajectory to hit its target. 
This missile system has lots of advanced technologies which are best in the world it is very hard to track on radars because of its low traveling capacities. 
Rudram-The missile has an INS-GPS navigation with Passive Homing Head for the final attack and can hit the radiation target with pin-point accuracy.
Rudram, India's first anti-radiation missile can hit any radio frequency emitting target. The missile is integrated on the Su-30 MKI fighter aircraft as the launch platform having capability of varying ranges based on launch conditions this missile system helps Indian air force to destroy the eye of the enemies (radars)
The advanced version of Shaurya missile is capable of carrying nuclear warhead from a defence facility. The Shaurya is about 10m long with a diameter of 0.74m . A land variant of India's K-15 missile, it has a strike range of 700 km to 1,000 km and is capable of carrying payloads of 200 kilograms  tO 1,000 kilograms.
India tested  Supersonic Missile Assisted Release of Torpedo (SMART) a system which can hit enemy submarines when they are not in the  torpedo range. Called as "game changer" in anti-submarine warfare, is yet another milestone in the strengthening India's maritime strategic capabilities.

The laser-guided anti-tank missile (ATGM), successfully test fired by the DRDO at a firing range in Maharashtra's Ahmednagar, is likely to significantly enhance the fire-power capability of the Indian armed forces  particularly along the frontiers with Pakistan and China.

The missile demploys a tandem heat warhead to defeat explosive reactive armour protected armoured vehicles.

It has been developed with multiple-platform launch capability and is currently undergoing technical evaluation trials from gun of MBT Arjun. Very soon they are deploy  on Large no. At lAC & LOC.

BrahMos extended range supersonic cruise missile

Supersonic cruise missile BrahMos, one of the fastest supersonic missile  in the world  it is capable of hitting targets at more than 450-km range. The cruise missile travels at a speed of Mach 2.8 to 3.2, nearly three times that of sound. The missile is already operational with the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force.

BrahMos supersonic cruise missile

The 'prime strike weapon' will ensure the Indian warship's invincibility by engaging naval surface targets & locations  at long ranges, thus making the destroyer another lethal platform of Indian Navy. These missiles are based on fire and forget  concept.


Both India & China are emerging superpower both are nuclear armed  state they have huge potential of manpower & resources. The emerging tension between these two Asian giants are extremely dangerous for the world recently Xi Jinping warn their forces to prepare themselves for war at multiple fronts & the statement of Indian air force chief Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria was that Indian armed forces are prepared for two front war these statements may escalate the  tension at peak. In all these scenario DRDO tells the world who they are & show their potentials to the world that they have very advanced technologies,huge manpower multiple platforms & indigenous missile systems.


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